Sunday, March 28, 2010

One of Those Nights

Well, its one of those nights.

Yes, those nights.

I just settled down to eat dinner, and I realized I have work to do, so I leave my hot-out-of-the-broiler burgers to get up and bring my laptop to the table.

So I sit down with the laptop and my burgers, and I realize that basketball's not on TV right now, so I should put in a movie.

So I leave my hot-out-of-the-broiler burgers and my freshly-charged laptop on the coffee table to get a blu-ray.

Ready to eat.
....but not yet....

I realize that I can't watch a movie and eat dinner and do work without a cocktail.

So.... you can see where this is going. It was like the damned "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" book or the song about the old lady swallowing a fly.

Here's the abridged version:
  • make a cocktail
  • get the passkey to my work's intranet
  • remember to turn off the broiler
  • spill my fresh cocktail
  • make a new cocktail
  • answer the phone
  • remind myself that this would make a decent blog!!
So, in the interest of good blogs -AND- so I can enjoy my (cold) burger, cocktail, movie and complete my work, here's an interesting blog.

When I moved to New Jersey, I consoled myself with the idea that I would be close to the "Big City," and, accordingly, I could experience some pretty cool "things." In my head, I created a score card. The following is my scorecard of "things," prepared both for myself and for you.

  • New and Weird Foods - this is where I will tally and describe new meals and restaurant experiences.
  • New and Weird People - this is where I will get around to explaining what kind of interesting company I'm keeping.
  • Brewery Tours - I should have done more research before I moved into my area, because there are a lot of breweries in central and south Jersey. However, there are loads of breweries in New York and in Vermont. Eventually I'll get around to touring and sampling most of them. When I do, you'll hear about how they stack up to those that I've visited in Kentucky and North Carolina.
  • Hooker Count - It's funny, because I have never recognized a hooker in the street. That's not to say that they're not there, but I have never recognized a hooker ANYWHERE! Not in Kentucky or Florida or Ohio or ANYWHERE! And based on my experiences so far in New Jersey, I haven't seen any here yet, either. When I do, I'll use my stealth tactics to sneak up and document hooker sightings in my new territory.
  • Spilled Drink Count - so far, the count is 1. And it was a big, tall, chilled bourbon and coke. This is more or less for my own sake a) so I can calculate how much liquor I wasted this year (I estimate about $4 worth so far) and b) so I can remember why my wood floors and rugs are stained and sticky.
  • Sexual Conquests - just kidding.
OK. That's a good enough post. I'm satisfied with it, and it leaves me wanting more.


  1. Two blogs in less than 12 hours. Don't get used to THAT kind of productivity.

  2. Hell yes - keep them coming Pablo. This is awesome!


  3. You should save the trips to Vermont/NH breweries for next November.

    Mainly so I can go with and also go skiing.

    Harpoon and Magic Hat are the two big ones fo' sho'.

  4. I am loving this! It makes me feel like you are only a couple of miles away!
