Thursday, July 8, 2010

Explaining Beaver Fever

As we watched the news on Saturday morning, an anchor came on explaining where and where not to watch the fireworks. She was explaining that if you watched from the NYC side of the river, that you would run into some severely congested traffic. And it was only going to be worse because some of the celebrities that were going to be there. "But tough it out if you have Beaver Fever."

But she didn't really say "Beaver Fever" (even though that's what Carolyn and I heard, and subsequently laughed about for the next 48 hours). She said "Bieber Fever," because Justin Bieber was one of the "celebrities" that was performing on the NY side.

Personally, this made it that much funnier to me because we'd mistaken something presumably young and innocent with something that sounds like a carnal addiction that is so severe that it blocks traffic.

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