Wednesday, April 21, 2010

So My Phone Accidentally Called My Mom Last Night

So my phone accidentally called my mom last night.

At first she couldn't hear anything. Her called ID said her son was calling, but for some reason, there was silence coming from the other end.

So naturally, she thought that my apartment was being burgled and I was hiding under a piece of furniture, unable to speak or make any sound, and all I could do was call someone to let them know that I was mute and hiding from villains.

I can only imagine that she recently DVR'd Taken and it resonated with her to some ridiculous level. She listened to what was happening as intently as she could. I guess she thought she might overhear some crucial, important clue to the identity of her son's villains.

Eventually, my dad acts as the usual voice of reason and suggests maybe my phone called her accidentally. This might actually be the case, but mom refuses to "give up" because she would "never be able to forgive herself if [she] hung up on [me] when [I] needed her most" (her actual words when she was explaining this to me).

I love my mom, and I know she is only this extreme because she loves me, too. So God bless her for the lengths she goes to "protect" me and my sisters.

Her next thought is to e-mail me the following messages:
"emergency........check your phone........please"
and then
"your phone"

Today I asked her why she was e-mailing me these curious phrases. What was her point?

Her explanation was that, IF I was on the phone, silent, to let her know that I was under attack, we could still contact via e-mail, in silence, and the attackers would never know any better. However, when I finally got her e-mails, close to midnight, I thought there was an emergency on her end. Oh well. At this point I've come to know better, and when I couldn't get her on the phone last night, I just went to bed.

But she stayed by her computer and her phone, listening and repeatedly checking her e-mail for any information about my safety.

Bless her heart, though, she hears something on my end of the phone say, "Sit down and shut up!" And this causes her to freak out. I imagine her thought process went something like this:

"Oh my God. They found him! I shouldn't have e-mailed him! They must have heard the chime or some tone on his phone!"

In reality, I was sitting on my couch watching the original Dawn of the Dead, unaware that my phone was on my person, let alone calling my worried mother.

My dad was trying to calm her down, but I assume she was running in circles, listening as closely as possible, panicking herself into a dizzy phone turned itself off. I still don't know why my phone was turned off before I went to bed. But my mother explained, "it sounded like someone violently and forcefully hung up on me!"

I worry about my mother sometimes. Other times I just shake my head and remember that my imagination is a product of her hyperactive imagination. Then I don't worry so much. Part of me feels guilty for being the reason she probably didn't get much sleep last night. But the other part of me just chuckles.

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